• Experience Goucher
  • Who You'll Meet
  • Ridwan Lawal
  • Ridwan Lawal '20

    RidwanMajor: Economics

    Hometown: Prince George’s, MD

    What are you involved with on campus?
    I am a first-year mentor, garden manager for Ag Co-op, treasurer for Club Council, and many other things. 

    What would be one piece of advice you would give to first-years?
    I would advise first-years to try something they have never thought about doing and get outside of their comfort zone. You gotta try it before you truly know you don’t like it.

     What plans do you have for after you graduate?
    I will be teaching middle school with Teach for America Greater Cleveland.

     What’s your favorite joke?
     My boss told me to have a good day...so I went home.